JC logo

KNK Diesel Repair

Project Overview

Picture of KNK website on a computer


Web 2890 Class Assignment


Bootstrap 5, HTML5, CSS3, Visual Studio Code, Git, NPM, Netlify

Project Description:

The KNK Diesel Services project is currently in the end stages of development. It was a project submitted for the Web 2890 class, however it will be a site used by the client for their small business.

Because this client will be using the site to promote their business, I worked with them to develop a wire frame and working prototype to ensure functionality.

I was the primary developer for this website, seeking feedback from proffesional web developers and working with the client to deliver a site that meets the expectations they have for the project.

Visit Site

Time to complete:

  • 4 Weeks


  • Nicole Krizman (KNK Diesel)

Required Elements:

  • Company logo, contact information, and services offered. Client also requests before and after photos.

Design Decisions:

  • Client provided custom designed decals and logos for use on the website requesting the site have similar color scheme and styles. As I work through this project I will ensure alignmentt with client through project development. I decided to also include the use of paralax in the hero image to give the site a modern and updated feel.